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End of World.jpg

7  The End of the World (Jan 2019)

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8 Ted & Sylvia - and 'Weavy Ass-hole' 
(Feb 2019)

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9  Three Reasons for re-reading 'High Windows'

(March 2019)


10 Let's Hear it for the Villanelle
(April 2019)

Bwenna, my mother and me 1950

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11  The Edginess of Miss Emily Dickinson
(May 2019)

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12  "Never Such Love"
Robert Graves &
Laura Riding

Laura Riding.jpg

(June 2019)

13 Two Poems about   Wells   (July 2019)

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14 Revisiting Matthew Arnold - loneliness & inadequacy (Aug2019)



by Raymond Antrobus


(Sept 2019)

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16 How weighty is Light Verse?


(Oct 2019)

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17  Miniature Masterpieces

    (Nov 2019)

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Braque 3.jpg

18 "The fog is rising; I must go in." 

Last Posts...


       Dec 2019

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The farm of Christian Lenoir behind our house

Chez nous...


A lane at Le Mesnil Durdent near Houdetot

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